UK government revealed the names of 2 organizations who will issue COS (Certificate of Sponsorship) for Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme. As mentioned before, United Kingdom will be starting a farm worker pilot scheme from the year 2019 to initiate employing under Tier 5, seasonal workers from Non-European Countries to reduce the need of 100,000 workers annually. Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited will be sponsoring approximately over 2500 individuals mutually.
Getting COS (Certificate of Sponsorship)
COS is compulsory for applicants who want to apply for the Season Worker. Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited may be issuing COS near springtime 2019. It might be possible that in the near future Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited may also grant job offers in farms. The procedure operates in a system that farm possessors will first inform Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited about the kind of worker they require. Once they receive the demand the 2 Organizations will be issuing COS to the selected applicants.
Farm Workers Conditions
Despite the fact that the final requirements for selection have not been published yet but applicants will be allotted by a prejudiced Points system. Points will be decided based on a collection of queries and conditions involving locality, crop ranges, number of workers needed, span of necessity and accessibility of housing. The purpose of the Pilot Scheme is to make sure that the system is controlled across a comprehensive range of the qualified segments and throughout the United Kingdom.
Designated Locations for Farm Workers.
Locations for Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme includes the whole region of United Kingdom together with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Requirements for Pilot Scheme Seasonal Worker
This Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme will take care of the employment of seasonal work force for labour especially in the edible horticulture sector.
The edible horticulture sector includes:
- Mushrooms
- Top fruit (orchard fruit)
- Field vegetables, including vegetables, herbs, leafy salads and potatoes etc.
- Protected vegetables
- Vine and bines
- Soft fruit, including strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, blueberries etc.
How to apply for Seasonal Worker?
Meanwhile Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited, both have not yet published specific conditions for applicants to apply, but applicants can express their interest to be an applicant for COS by applying to Concordia UK Ltd & Pro-Force Limited separately.
1- Concordia UK Ltd (CLICK HERE)
Registered office: 19 North Street, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 1DH. Ph: 0044 1273 422293 Email: farms@concordia.org.uk
2- Pro-Force Limited (CLICK HERE)
Registered office at: Hunstead House, Nickle Farm, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7PE Phone: 0044 333 335 6262 Email: enquiries@pro-force.co.uk
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