10 Years Indefinite Leave to Remain – Continuous Lawful Residence


The continuous lawful residence is the utmost significant factor for a migrant.

Commonly, the continuous lawfully residence is understood as a part for Indefinite Leave to Remain application on the foundation of continuous 10 years residence in the UNITED KINGDOM.


Estimation of continuous lawful residence

Hence, the key obligation under the 10 years Indefinite Leave to Remain application is that the applicant must have a continuous lawful residence.


Continuous – indicates – without any break

Lawful – indicates– you at all times had certain type of leave to remain in the UNITED KINGDOM – For the most part of the misperceptions emerge under section 3C and Section 3D leaves, or when an individual has filed for an Administrative review or submitting frequent applications within 28 or 14 days after rejections as specified under section 34 of the Immigration Rules.


Under paragraph 276 B of the Immigration Rules, Continuous residence indicates that you devoted 10 years in the UNITED KINGDOM with no disruption in your lawful residence.

In certain situations where there is a small disruption in continuous lawful residence, it might still be advantageous for the individual to make an application for ILR and demand discretion bearing in mind the life-changing occasion of obtaining ILR – in these situations the Home Office observes the individual involvements to the UNITED KINGDOM, whether they have family who is established or are British national or whether the individual possesses an asset or properties in the UNITED KINGDOM to prove long term commitment.

Break continuous residence period

Where an individual’s leave may have ended, nevertheless, they settled the application ahead of their visa/leave expired and the application was unresolved with the Home Office in such scenarios there will be no break in continuous residence. Nonappearances below 180 days at any time do not represent to be broken.

Absences outside the United Kingdom

You are permitted the absence of up to 540 days in 10 years and less than 180 at any one time, on the other hand, if you surpass these days then there has to be a severe or persuasive motives like serious sickness, a battle or a natural tragedy for your nonappearance from the UNITED KINGDOM in numerous categories.

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