UK DEPORTATION: HOW TO CHALLENGE IT? Deportation Orders in the United Kingdom If an individual has committed a felony or has enacted in a way which is not favourable for the public good, the Home Secretary will serve a Deportation Order and consequently arrange for removal. A Deportation Order can be confronted if the...
Tag: business visa
business visa
October 12, 2018March 7, 2022UK Visa (ALL), UK VISA & IMMIGRATIONS
UK VISA REFUSED: WHAT TO DO? You have eagerly applied for a visa to reside, work or capitalize in the UK because you can see a world of potentials here, or maybe you have already been attracted to join an existing venture. You may have spent every ounce of passion in the process of...
October 7, 2018March 7, 2022UK Visa (ALL), UK VISA & IMMIGRATIONS
Same Day Quick UK Visa Service
Steps to Avoid Booked Up Premium Same Day Appointments. Imagine you want to go overseas, and you come across that the departure is in a few weeks. On the other hand, you were unable to book for your visa, and it finishes soon. Now, you’re nibbling your nails because you don’t realize what to...