When it’s all about immigration and the impact of Covid-19 pandemic there are developments on daily basis by the UK Home Office. That is not shocking as in a worldwide epidemic, with a UK government inflicted lockdown and an economic recession, the speed and level of changes in the Visa rules affecting UK immigration are hasty and ferocious.
This blogis all about the most Frequently Asked Questions for Individual’s immigration status and visa application updates during the impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
If you haven’t watched the part 1 of this series, we highly recommend you to do so. Link mentioned below in the description box and comments section.
We get thousands of questions every month relating to UK Visas and Immigration by our subscribers on You Tube and members on our Whatsapp Group. As mentioned earlier this is the second part of the blog, and as promised we will be uploading more blogs like this every week. So comment below now if you have any questions.
Please remember that the answers on our platforms are for general information only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice under any circumstances. You should obtain legal advice which is adapted to your specific immigration situations.
Let’s begin the blog with question sent by Arun Patel
What if my visa is expiring and I can’t get an appointment?
You must not worry at all. The submission of an in-time UK visa application online will save your status in the UK, so you will be capable to legally stay in the UK until an appointment is available. If it is your objective to stay in the UK for long-term, you may still make an application to remain, although you might be required to wait before an appointment is available. UK Visas and Immigration has authorized that UK visa applications on AccessUK will currently stay active for 240 days, to allocate adequate time for you to go for an appointment. After the launch of the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services IDV app, selected Tier 4 student applicants will also be able to upload their photo and credentials using the IDV mobile app instead of attending an appointment. Please keep in mind that qualified applicants will get an email from the relevant department.
If you are in the UK legally, and you intended to go back to your home country, but currently unable to leave the UK due to coronavirus, you are allowed to request additional time if your visa expires between 1 September and 31 October 2020. You will be required to fill the COVID-19 UK Visas & Immigration form – Exceptional Assurance (link mentioned below), and should clarify the reason that you are not able to make the journey.
Maria asked
Am I still required to register with the police within 7 days of arriving in the UK or receiving my new BRP?
If you have been classified as an individual who has to enrol with the UK police, you are generally obligated to register with the Overseas Visitor Records Office (OVRO). On the other hand, because of the coronavirus pandemic the Overseas Visitor Records Office are temporarily closed in numerous locations until further notice. You must contact your local police force to grasp whether you are still obligated to register in your area. The Overseas Visitor Records Office suggest that you retain a record of contact with your local police force to prove that you were not able to register during the period of temporary closure.
Next question is from Sajid Khan
I have been unable to collect my BRP due to Post Office closures and my entry clearance vignette is expiring. What should I do?
You should report that you were unable to collect your Biometric residence permit (BRP) due to closures because of Covid-19. This can be done straightforwardly to It is very crucial that this is done or else there may be a possibility that when the post office resumes its services, your Biometric residence permit may be sent back to the UK Home Office.
Jannet asks.
I need a TB test. what can I do?
TB testing centres have now begun to resume their services so UK visa applicants would be able to fulfil this requirement by the Home office. Please keep in mind that the UK Home Office have not published any guidance to ignore the need for a TB test and it is doubtful that they will do so. Your UK Visa application will need to be delayed until such time that the precise documents can be presented to the Home Office.
Next question was sent to us by Partik Patel
I need an English language test. What can I do?
English testing centres inside and outside the UK have now begun to resume their services so UK Visa applicants will be able to fulfil this requirement set by the UK Home Office.
If you are outside the UK and unable to book an English Language test, you will be required to delay your Visa application until such time that you can apply with all the obligated documents.
For Visa Applicants in the UK who want to extend their visa and they are unable book an English Language test, UK Visas and Immigration have mentioned that immigration and nationality applications can be made without the English language test to safeguard the Applicant’s status in the UK until the English Language test centres resume their services. The Visa applicants inside the UK will still be required to pass the test before the application can be granted an extension.
The similar conditions apply to those UK Visa applicants in the UK who are required to take a Life in the UK test for their nationality or immigration application.
Ricky Joan wants to know
Are the courts and tribunals still working?
Yes. The First-tier Tribunal has led many cases to ensue by means of a Case Management Hearing (CMR) via video conference or telephone which will occur on a date to be informed in a time slot to be assigned. If considered appropriate after the CMR, the case will be heard remotely.
The Upper Tribunal deferred many hearings but has published office guidance to verify that some hearings will proceed remotely (by telephone or video call) or on paper (without a hearing).
If you are worried about the progress of your appeal, comment below or email us for specialist’s advice
Tim Barnes commented
I do not have lawful status in the UK. Can I get tested for Coronavirus?
Guidelines have been approved to add Coronavirus to the list of diseases for which no charge is to be made for National Health Service (NHS) treatment, irrespective of the patient’s immigration status. This denotes that you will be allowed to get treatment or testing (where available) for Coronavirus without any cost. This is also applicable to migrants in the UK with temporary status who are not generally allowed to access NHS care free of charge.
Our blog ends here. If you have any questions relating to UK Visa Application, please comment below. We will do our best to answer your query.